Happy Sunday! Its been a very hectic week for me (again). Not just in cakeland, but also in my personal life. With my precious dog being sick earlier this week which now, my dog is doing great. The vet told me that she has the heat beat of a 2 year old dog, and she's 13! Ok, enough of that, this week I had 4 cakes overall and were quite simple and pretty. They were all due on Saturday so this post will be short and simple as well... not too sure if its gonna be pretty. =P Lets get on this:
Saturday, December 17th - Holiday Party Cakes and 1st Birthday Party - Deliver Times: 10 a.m. and 5 p.m.
Alrighty where to begin, this weekend was mainly about the holiday. As stressful as my personal holiday festivities and purchases have been, I managed to take in some cakes for the weekend even though 3 of 4 were donations! Yes I am giving. Lets start with the 1st bday cake. The cake was to be replicating the birthday girl's party dress. I would post the picture of the bday girl wearing the dress, but I'm not quite sure how the parent would feel for their daughter to be in some random blog without their permission. Pretty much the cake shows it all. It was a tutu dress with a fushia pink skirt with the matching color headband (as you can see the rose on the top tier portrays the "headband") and the center tier would be the replica of her shirt that has baby pink rose petals put together to shape the hear and three red roses to shape an even smaller heart. This cake was to serve 40 guest so it was quite small. The cake turned out great with no complaints! Now let's start with the holiday cakes! Three holiday cake this weekend and all donations (I was giving away my stress for free!) The first holiday cake was a winter wonderland cake for a magazine's holiday party. My friend donated a dessert table and asked if I wanted to donate a small cake to serve 30 people. As I mentioned before it was a winter wonderland theme so I kept it simple and used different shades of blue and a lot of glitter!!! The result: Awesomeness.

I FORGOT TO TAKE INDIVIDUAL PICTURES ON THE NEXT CAKES! So sue me! These two cakes were for and organization called Casa Familiar. The president won a gift certificate I donated to the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Gala... 5 YEARS AGO! So you know how out of the blue I felt when they called to redeem this certificate. At least they were really mellow and just wanted nice simple holiday cakes. Their only specific request was that they wanted both cakes different from each other. So once cake I stuck to the glittery winder wonderland idea as the previous cake and the other one as a fun polk a dot Christmas cake with the traditional red and green colors with bows to give it a gift feel to it. Everything went smoothly until delivery time, WHAT THE _________ (you fill in the blank). These two cakes were to be delivered in Bonita. As some of you know, Bonita is know to have some of the most beautiful houses, the only catch is that they are located in hills with driveways steeper than Mayan pyramids!!! After having my car on park staring at this monster of a hill for 15 minutes I decided to just go for it. The more I drove into this driveway the more I felt the car be more vertical than horizontal. 50 seconds of screaming like a girl later, BAM! SUCCESS!!! MUAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!! I told the client that her driveway was insane and she laughed, but when she showed me her view (and kitchen!) I understood it was all worth it.
Cakes this week were bitter sweet. Sweet that they came out great with now problems. Bitter because my back was KILLING me throughout the decorating, but I took care of it via Massage Envy. Plus it is a reminder that next week is Christmas! GRRR!!! I haven't really done any shopping, I am notorious to do it the last minute. This coming week I do have cakes, but I probably won't post anything til Monday since next Sunday is Christmas Day! Universal Studios here I come! I wish you all a very merry Christmas and hope you spend it with people you love and enjoy. =)
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